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About us

“We evaluate an opportunity by its people.”

Most private equity firms invest in an existing business. They evaluate opportunity by the numbers. But SGH’s investment criteria are different. We start by evaluating the people behind the business. At Simon Group Holdings, we look at every transaction differently because we are industry-agnostic. Simply put, if it’s the right opportunity and involves the right people, we will move forward. As Sam Simon says, “A business is not all about the balance sheet. We look at every aspect of their business. We look at their back office, their culture, but most importantly… their people. “ It has been this way from the our inception. When Sam built Atlas Oil from the ground up 32 years ago, he created and instilled a culture and attitude that still resonates across all the Simon Group Holdings companies today. Here, we love what we do and it’s shown in the actions of every member of the SGH team, professionals who possess an inherent set of shared values that we pride ourselves on. In business there are always going to be problems. But we know there is a solution to every problem. Our executive team members all come from strong operational backgrounds. They have the know-how to solve complex problems and challenge our team to make changes. Ultimately, our success as a top private equity and venture capital firm is constantly driven by collaboration, innovation and putting the right tools in place.

“We invest ourselves in every transaction.”

Sam and the entire Leadership Team are financially invested in every transaction. Senior management from legal, accounting, financial analysts, human resources and operations are involved in evaluating each one. Our investment strategy is quite simple. We acquire companies that need a strategic financial investment partner that would benefit from our strong operational background and our focus on enhancing technology. We seek to acquire organizations that would benefit from our network of companies that can be used for cross-pollination. We are not in the business of buying and flipping companies. We are in the business of growing organizations and the management team within it.

What we look for in our investments

It all begins with culture and people. These are the key factors we look for in attracting new acquisitions and building out new technologies:

  • Verticals that need an investment with change/growth/technology
  • Legacy businesses that are slow to adopt to digital technology
  • Entrepreneurial operators
  • Businesses that can be complemented with add-ons once acquired
  • Businesses that have synergies with SGH family of companies
  • The ability to add digital technology and innovation

“For over 30 years, operational excellence has been the backbone of our success.”

Simon Group Holdings, based in Birmingham, Michigan, is a leading strategic investment partner. Created by Sam Simon in 1985 with the founding of Atlas Oil Company, now a top refined fuel logistics and oil field services provider, SGH continues to grow. Our more than 30 years of successful operational entrepreneurship reflects a uniquely shared business philosophy based on innovation, collaboration and creativity. SGH has a wide range of interests in comprehensive energy solutions, including fuel supply, oil field services and logistics and transportation. SGH also has expertise in real estate and property investment, real estate funds, private equity, technology services, aerospace and defense. Voter analysis and turnkey modular solutions also make up a large part of our diversified portfolio of excellence. Perhaps most importantly, our leadership team is intimately familiar with the businesses they run due to their extensive operational industry experience This makes them exceptional strategic advisors to investors and entrepreneurs alike.

“We have expansive experience across many industries.”

Our entrepreneurial approach has resulted in the creation of four new businesses over the last two years alone (VIXTA Solutions, FuelNOW Network, AeroParts Now and VESTA Modular Solutions). We’ve also made significant investments in four additional companies (Empire Petroleum, Corporate Eagle, ETI Tech and TSI Solutions) within that same timeframe. We continually strive to invest in companies that complement our current portfolio; these are companies that can benefit from our strong operational expertise, and legacy businesses that can benefit from digital technology integration. We’re never satisfied with the status quo, and we continually evolve to meet the needs of our customers by identifying and seizing market opportunities others often miss.

SGH History

Culture and values

Our culture is in our DNA

Our values are inherent to the SGH culture. Our philosophy of striving for creativity, pushing for innovation and always being confident and decisive began with the creation of Atlas Oil and now extends throughout the entire SGH family of brands, and to every member of the SGH team. Our six core values are manifested by Sam’s fierce personal commitment to seeking ways in which to help others. They also bring our collaborative environment full circle, which is represented by our green dot logo, signifying how connecting the dots between our people and companies results in great success.

Passion: We love what we do, and that’s why we do it well. It is in our DNA to strive to be great and the best at what we do. We have a winning competitive spirit.

Pride and Image: Quality matters. We don’t take shortcuts, and we know the first impression is the most important; there’s only one chance to do it right. We are always prepared and we do our homework; every SGH team member understands our companies’ products and services and the customers’ needs. Lastly, we know it’s important to always look and feel our best.

Solution Driven:There are always problems and issues. Rather than giving up, we find the answers. We don’t place blame on others. We don’t take no for an answer. We find solutions through collaboration and guidance. We don’t let bureaucracy get in the way; we make it happen. Like inches, we know the opportunities to make a difference add up.

Customer Focus:Customers are our first priority; we take care of them and exceed their expectations. We always call the customer back the same day even if we don’t immediately have the answer to their question. We know relationships matter, so we spend time with our partners. We are always truthful with our business partners; even if we make a mistake, we hold ourselves accountable and find a solution.

Do the Right Thing:Though we pride ourselves on a competitive, winning spirit, we never compromise our integrity. If it doesn’t feel right, we don’t do it. If we see something out of place, we say something. There are no surprises or secrets among our team. We steer clear of politics, silos and pointing fingers.

Collaborative Innovation:We know that every problem is an opportunity. We believe in white-boarding solutions, where we can illustrate great ideas and share them with the team to come up with better ideas and solutions. We are open to every team member’s input. We collaborate and innovate together. We think outside the box… in fact, we don’t even see the box. We are constantly improving in order to be the best we can be. Above all, we are never satisfied; we are always hungry.